Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Homer - A710885 - American Pit Bull Terrier

Homer is a 1 year and 6 month old American Pit Bull Terrier. He has been at the Animal Care & Control Center in NYC since 5/28/07.

Homer was so depressed and sick. He just sat in his cage with his head down. He didn't give me a hard time getting in or out of his cage. And when we hung out together, he walked right by my side and sometimes way behind me. He didn't want to cuddle or anything like that. He just walked with me. When I stopped, he stopped.

By the end of our time together I heard more pitter patter, more life in his step :) The sad part of all this is that he started out depressed, came out with me, started to feel better, and then I had no choice but to put him back. Sometimes I wonder if bringing them out makes it worse. The hope in their eyes of going home and finding someone who cares and then putting them back is heart breaking to say the least. I feel like I'm betraying them sometimes, but I always tell myself that it's better that they had sometime outside to play and romp around then being stuck in their cages all day. I hold onto this thought. It feels better....

If you are interested in adding Homer to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them his special A#.

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