Thursday, August 09, 2007

Mel - A722665 - Pit Bull

Mel is a two year old pit bull. She has been at the Animal Care & Control Center in NYC since 8/6/07.

Mel loves to play with other dogs. It's unfortunate we can't let the dogs play. They can give each other colds. Everytime she saw another dog, her ears would perk, tail would wag and she'd go into her play bow.

She does listen. She seems to cower down though. It could be her former owners hit her, not sure. She also seems to be losing her hair in some spots, could be stress. Poor thing.. but you know, you would never know, she's very energetic and loves life.

If you are interested in adding Mel to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them her special A#.

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