Thursday, August 09, 2007

Biscuit - A722668 - Pit Bull

Biscuit is a one year and six month old pit bull. She has been at the Animal Care & Control Center in NYC since 8/6/07.

Biscuit was the first dog I took out today. She was very active. She did her business and then wanted to play. She jumped at the leash and started to pull and play tug-of-war. In 85 degree weather with no shade..... I don't think so... Do you know how challenging it is to get a pittie to stop playing tug-o-war? Very.. Usually what I do is ignore and not pull. If I don't pull, then there's no game. Most of the time they just start playing themselves and shaking the leash to death. Ha, Ha :)

Needless to say, she was so into playing that I couldn't get any photos of her. So later I saw her with another volunteer. "Hey," I said, "Why is Biscuit so calm with you and she was so playful and energetic with me?" Goes to show you that it's all about energy. Maybe she thought I was her equal... I don't know.. it's too complicated to figure out. I'm just glad I got some shots of her so you can see how beautiful she is.

If you are interested in adding Biscuit to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them her special A#.

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