Thursday, August 09, 2007

Betty - A720129 - Rotteweiler Mix

Betty is a 2 year old and one month Rotteweiler Mix. She has been at the Animal Care & control Center in NYC since 7/23/07.

I didn't even know Betty was a rottie until I got back. She is only one of two rotties I have walked and she was such a sweetheart. I have to say that usually I don't take out rotties because they are a bit big for me, but you know what, sometimes what you don't know is good for you, because if I had looked to see that she was a rottie I wouldn't have had the pleasure of her company.

What a wonderful dog Betty is. Yes, she is big but she is a gentle giant. Would you believe that she just plopped down and exposed her belly for a rub? That picture of her laying on her back is all her. Then when we were on how way back she plopped down again. I waited for her, she got up, we walked two feet and then she plopped down. This went on for a while until the staff member had to help me get her back inside. Dogs are so smart. I wish more people realized that. She was just protesting. She didn't want to go back in. Can you blame her? Not me..

Betty is a great dog who loves hugs and kisses. She is waiting for her forever home.

If you are interested in adding Betty to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them her special A#.

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