Monday, September 11, 2006

Kimba - a beautiful German Shepherd Mix

My husband and I went yesterday to the Animal Care & Control Center to dog walk. We were so excited to see Max again. He was jumping around and excited to see us. We decided this time we were going to be brave and take out two dogs. We chose Kimba, a beautiful german sheperd mix. She was quiet so we figured I could handle her. Angelo would take Max and I would take Kimba. Well it didn't quite work out the way we planned. When we got Kimba out of the cage she was extremely excited and deceivingly strong. Wow! She's 6 years old but she acts and has the energy of a 2 year old like Max.

We decided that we would take Kimba out alone and then come back for Max. We took her along 1st avenue and brought her to this open spaced area where Angelo ran with her a bit. She loved it. She was curious about everything. We also realized she has a fascination with parked cars. Every parked car that we passed she sniffed and she also liked being by the curb. Must be a sign of being trained to go to the bathroom there. She is as sweet as can be.

If you would like to adopt Kimba or you know of some who would contact the AC&C

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