Monday, September 24, 2007

Annie - A730631 - Pit Bull

Annie is a 1 year old pit bull. She has been at the Animal Care & Control Center in NYC since 9/22/07.

Annie is an incredible little dog. She jumped and whined in her cage for attention and of course I had to take her out. She is so cute. She walked so easily by my side and when I let go of the leash she ran for it. She galloped and spun around and jumped for joy. She was FREE!

I played ball with her. I threw it in the air and she jumped and caught it. She would bring it back and put it down. When I would try and take it she would hit it with her paw. There was no aggression. She wanted me to take it so I could throw it again.

When I went to wash the ball with the hose she would try and drink the water. It would splash her and she would perk her ears with curiousity.

She's amazing and is looking for her forever home.

If you are interested in adding Annie to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them her special A#.

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