Monday, April 23, 2007

Sugar - A704745 - Pit Bull

Sugar is a 3 year old pit bull. She has been at the Animal Care & Control Center in NYC since 4/18/07.

Sugar is a wonderful dog to spend time with. She walked right by my side without any hesitation. There was no question about her following me. When I sat to rest, she lay down and rested. Why she chose to lay in the sun, I have no idea :)

Sugar looks like she was bred and beaten. She has a huge amount of scars on her tail, face, and just about every where you can imagine. What a shame how some people choose to treat dogs. If only they realized, it's only a reflection of their fears and insecurities but.......

Sugar is searching for a safe and loving home and deserves to be in an evironment that is abuse-free, but doesn't every dog?

If you are interested in adding Sugar to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them her special A#.

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