Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Lolo - A694147 - American Pit Bull Terrier

Lolo is an American Pit Bull Terrier. He is 3 years old and has been at the Animal Care & Control Center in NYC since 1/27/07.

My husband and I enjoyed Lolo alot. He is a very lovable dog. He walks excellent on the leash. He stood by our side the whole time we were out. He loves to be massaged and held, but then.... what dog doesn't :)

Lolo was originally adopted out when he was a puppy, but his owner brought him back...3 years later. He can longer take care of Lolo. I have no comment on this one...... His owner is missing out on a wonderful forever companion. Lolo is incredible.

If you are interested in adding Lolo to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them his special A#.

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