Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Bob - A708591 - Pit Bull Mix

Bob is a 6 month old pit bull mix. He has been at the Animal Care & Control Center in NYC since 5/13/07.

Bob was a pleasure to be with. He has a bad back left leg so he limps when he walks, but that didn't stop him from keeping up with me. He was right by my side all the way. When he did get tired he laid down. He loves belly rubs as you can see from the pics. When another dog came outside, he did get a bit nervous and jump up and bark, but when I nudged him with the leash he stopped and laid back down. From that point on, when a dog came out, he remained calm and rested. All he needed was for me to let him know that it was okay to relax with other dogs around.

If you are interested in adding Bob to your loving family visit the Animal Care & Control Center website or call 212.788.4000 and give them his special A#.

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