Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Alternative Way to Save the Life of A Dog Or Cat

It has recently come to my attention that many of the fur on the market, especially from China, is skinned (mostly alive) from our beloved friends, the Dog and Cat. And don't be fooled, obviously the fur you purchase won't be labeled 100% Dog/Cat Fur. No one would purchase. Be careful with Faux Fur also, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to pass it off as faux because we as the consumer really couldn't tell the difference.

Let's come together and voice our disgrace by NOT purchasing anything with REAL FUR or even Faux Fur.

And despite some people's despise of PETA, let's try to look past that for the Dog and Cats sake. It is obvious who the victim is when you watch this video. Bringing this to the publics attention is a good thing. Please watch with extreme caution!

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